[ELECTRON] bash CLI USB/FireWire webcam frame graber ~ VideoScript?

Christopher Orr chris at orr.me.uk
Mon May 4 12:08:22 UTC 2009

Hi Ben,

Sorry about that, I must have been mistaken.  I just looked for dvgrab  
in my OS X install, but couldn't see it.  I must have booted into my  
Ubuntu partition on my MacBook when I ran it.

Thinking about it, it's likely not particularly simple to get it  
running on OS X due to the hardware interfacing required.  Hopefully  
you can get things running on Linux though.  Sorry I can't suggest a  
Mac-based alternative.


On 4 May 2009, at 12:44, Ben Rush wrote:
> Chris -
> Kinodv/dvgrab looks like it might be a silver bullet - and while I  
> do have access to a Linux setup, I'm curious where you found a OS X  
> distribution. Fink/Ports don't seem to have dvgrab / kino and I've  
> been googling for any mention of success on Mac with out any joy.  
> Now im not too fluent with Linux so perhaps I'm just showing off my  
> ignorance.
> best - ben rush
> 2009/5/4 Christopher Orr <chris at orr.me.uk>
> On 3 May 2009, at 16:10, Ben Rush wrote:
> Hello all -
> Looking for some advice or insight. I know the electron club is a  
> diverse group so fire away if any of you have any thoughts but  
> perhaps someone may know of an appropriate *nix forum for this as  
> well? Google hasn't given me a whole lot to play with.
> I'm trying to capture frame grabs from usb/fire wire web cams via a  
> bash script. So far I've run across this CLI app called VideoScript  
> which looks promising. I know I could use PD to do such a thing, but  
> the rest of my work flow is shaping up to be neatly wrapped up in  
> one shell script.
> I don't know if this is appropriate for the kind of camera you have,  
> but you could try dvgrab from kinodv.org.
> The command line I've used (from a webcam-grabbing script that Simon  
> wrote) is:
> sudo dvgrab --format jpeg --jpeg-overwrite --jpeg-width 360 --jpeg- 
> height 288 --jpeg-deinterlace --every 75 <filename-prefix>
> That happily worked for me (in both OS X and Linux) to capture  
> frames directly -- over Firewire -- from a DV video camera.
> Chris
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