[ELECTRON] Is the Electron Club Becoming Too Political?

Marion Hersh m.hersh at elec.gla.ac.uk
Wed May 13 16:25:55 UTC 2009

Technology and the way it is used and abused is highly political.  
Unfortunately, many people do not seem to be aware of this.  Therefore I 
do not think the Electron Club can be non political.  With regards to 
the groups that use the premises, I would suggest that sharing premises 
is compatible with the open source ideal, but that groups which deal 
more directly with technology should have the priority.  With regards to 
Industrial Workers of the World and Friends of the Earth, there are a 
lot of issues within the direct remit of EC that they should be considering.

James Beeley wrote:
> Looking at the program for the planned open day, and the web calendar, I
> can see a lot of political activity which doesn't seem to have anything
> to do with open-source software, hardware hacking, amateur radio, video
> editing or any of the other stated aims of the club.
> The calendar lists meeting of Industrial Workers of the World and
> Friends of the Earth which are purely political groups. The Open Day
> timetable included a presentation by Plane Stupid, who harass and bully
> holidaymakers travelling by air, and some of whose members have been
> convicted as a result.
> Worse still, the Digital Desparados group, who operate an openly stated
> policy of racial discrimination, have been able to use the Electron
> Club's facilities. In their own words:
> "A: This course is for young women of colour aged 16 – 30.......By women
> of colour we mean all non white women, for example south asian, mixed,
> first nations, black, south pacific islander, latina, roma, asian etc.
> etc."
> This plays into the hands of the BNP, who exploit this sort of
> discrimination for their own political gain. Surely all Electron Club
> activities should be open to all, regardless of race, colour or gender
> (or indeed disability or sexual orientation)? 
> Groups and activities such as Green Map, Fablabs, Maker Fair and SOLDER
> are entirely appropriate and in keeping with the EC's aims. However I
> find
> all this political activity and discrimination what should be a
> basically non-political organisation offputting. To my mind the EC would
> be far more successful and attractive to new members it was
> non-political and equally accessible to
> all. 
> How do others feel?
> Jim
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