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An online TV channel for grass roots community and workers news in Glasgow and Scotland.

The project is currently in the process of developing a more substantial online news channel enabling related online news projects to syndicate material. AnarchoTV are working with projects such as Transmission and G.I.S.S..

Transmission is a network of citizen journalists, video makers, artists, researchers, programmers and web producers who are developing online video distribution tools for social justice and media democracy. Our objective is to make independent online video distribution possible (using FLOSS) by building the necessary tools, standards, documentation and social networks.

G.I.S.S. (Global Independent Streaming Support) is a volunteer, non-commercial network created with free software for free media.


contact: cinemaparadiso(at)

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groups/anarchotv.txt · Last modified: 2014/05/23 10:55 by

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