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A group for people learning to build radio equipment and study for their licenses. SOLDER meet every Wednesday in the Electron Club. The group is run by members of the West of Scotland Amateaur Radio Society (WOSARS).
The West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society has been about in its current form for 31 years now, and our members have a vast collection of knowledge to offer new members and visitors.
We have two main venues: the meetings at Rose Street and the club station on the outskirts of Glasgow. The meetings are busy and packed with relevant and interesting topics from the field of ham radio, although we do often detour to other subjects. There are regular talks at the meetings; presented by both members and visiting speakers. Members are able to visit the club station also and make transmissions under the Society's calls: GM4AGG and GM7WOS (Amateur Glasgow Group and West Of Scotland, in case you were guessing).
Our members show a wide range of walks of life, experience and age. Visitors are assured of finding somebody at a meeting on a similar level of experience in ham radio (even if that's none!) Meetings are highly varied, informal and enjoyable. We do try to accommodate everybody's interests at meetings and value the opinions of our members.
If you are interested in coming along to a meeting, or are visiting Glasgow, please feel welcome to attend. You can find a wealth of information on the club, its members and amateur radio on our website.