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Document - International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival


Document is the only film festival in the Scotland specifically dedicated to Human Rights. The festival takes place in October each year at the CCA, Glasgow. We are a member of an international network of film festivals from all over the world - the Human Rights Film Network.

We are a local grassroots organisation and most of the work done is on a voluntary basis. We actively seek out works which do more than scratch the surface - films which help us more closely understand the world around us. From politically charged frontline reportage to cinematic explorations of what it is to be human, we welcome films which challenge, engage and bring new perspectives to the festival and its audience.

We have been a member of Electron Club since 2007, hold our board meetings here and use the computers to work on the festival throughout the year. Document 7 will take place at the CCA in October 2009. If you would like to submit a film please download the application form from our website. Or if you would like to collaborate with us in someway get in touch with us.

Document website:

Human Rights Film Network:

contact: Paula Larkin, Development Worker, email: tel: 07765 396226

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groups/document_film_festival.txt · Last modified: 2014/05/23 10:55 by

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