If you need help with:
Please read the guides listed below. If you still have a problem to report please be specific. Problem reports without any details tend to absorb an unnecessary amount of time. Before asking for help please take the time to read and understand this guide for asking questions the smart way. Then feel free to contact us with your detailed question.
If you have a question rather than a request for help please contact us.
What is the Electron Club - what we do, what we don't do and how to get involved
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
mailinglist - how to send a message to the mailing list & general usage tips
calendar - how to book events on the online calendar
How to change my calendar account password
create a group - how to create a group page
irc - how to use the Electron Club IRC channel
workshops and classes - notes on running workshops and classes at the Electron Club
freevideo - a list of resources for Free Open Source Software based video tools
communitytv - a simple guide to creating an online streaming TV channel
podcasting - a guide to creating and distributing your own podcasts
beamlab - resources for small-scale robotics
Online Library - links to various articles and resources for Free Open Source Software, circuit bending, environmental technology and other Electron Club related stuff